I consult for donations on climate, nature, high-tech, neurodiversity, preventive medicine, and kundalini.

I’m an MD-technologist. Now I’m a busy high-tech founder with so my time has become precious to me again. But I have a deal with the universe to remain available to people who need me, so if you’ve got the money, I’ve got some Indigenous leaders in the Amazon who can put a donation to good use via Empulsive Ink (ein 88-1869344).

I don’t deliver individual clinical care or perform product endorsements. Consults are focused problem-solving for targeted questions on:

  • Fair-trade carbon or biodiversity credits. My current focus is the creation, certification, and sale of nature-based commodities credits transacted directly between smallfarmers and Indigenous groups in the global south.

  • High-tech product and company development. Often med-tech, or nature-tech but any hard-science topic is fair game.

  • Neurodiversity in the workplace. Typically painfully high-IQ but we work with ADHD, Aspergers, and other types of intelligence (e.g. kinesthetic, musical, aesthetic) from any age group or background.

  • Preventive medicine. Diet, exercise, and yoga as it intersects with Western medicine and longevity science. Also evidence-based consulting on psychedelics and higher consciousness.

  • Kundalini or spiritual emergence in transpersonal psychiatry. Coaching on reintegrating this experience with a scientific occupation, lifestyle modifications, or transition points.

If you think that’s a weird list, so do I, but I guess do what you’re good at. And most of those topics I can knock out of the ballpark first go.

How much do you want to pay?

Book a 30-min virtual consult using one of the links below.

(New clients please review liability disclaimer, privacy policy, and terms.)